National Permaculture Day - 6th May 2012


A turn out of over 60 wonderful hard working people over the day made for a very successful Permablitz by the Ballarat Permaculture Guild and Friends of Royal Park.

Along with the tasty lunch and afternoon tea, three major projects were completed: The planting of a food forest - fruit trees and companion plants, the clean up of the front garden and the establishment of a herb garden and path, and the clean up and building of paths in and around the existing garden plots.



^ Paul Ryle had sourced heritage apple trees, and these, plus other donated nut trees and other fruit trees, were planted into well mulched circle beds, along with companion plants.



^ A messy front garden was transformed into an extensive herb garden, with a brick path edge.


^ A dedicated group took on the weeding of the community garden beds, and cleared and mulched all the paths in and around the beds.

Charles and Ceilidh, from Apulia Grove Olive Oil donated bottles of Extra Virgin Olive oil as a thank you to the willing workers on the day. 
It tastes great - one of the best I have had! - buy more from
Phone Charles on  0409 258 471 or email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.